Java core knowledge

For sure there are much more things Java includes than listed here. These sections include probably the most important skills Java engineers need to have and know.

Includes knowledge areas

Java Syntax

When we consider a Java program, it can be defined as a collection of objects that communicate via invoking each other's methods. You need to know what do class, object, methods, instance variables mean, and many other basic things.

Collection framework

The Collection in Java is a framework that provides an architecture to store and manipulate a group of objects. Java Collections can achieve all the operations that you perform on data such as searching, sorting, insertion, manipulation, and deletion. Java Collection means a single unit of objects. Java Collection framework provides many interfaces (Set, List, Queue, Deque) and classes (ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList, PriorityQueue, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet).

Exception handling

An exception is an unwanted or unexpected event, which occurs during the execution of a program i.e at run time, that disrupts the normal flow of the program’s instructions. You need a Robust Programming, which takes care of exceptional situations. Such code is known as Exception Handler.

Java I/O

Java I/O (Input and Output) is used to process the input and produce the output. Java uses the concept of a stream to make I/O operation fast. The package contains nearly every class you might ever need to perform input and output (I/O) in Java. All these streams represent an input source and an output destination. The stream in the package supports many data such as primitives, object, localized characters, etc.

Java versions

Java is extremely backwards compatible. This means that your Java 5 or 8 program is guaranteed to run with a Java 8-13 Virtual Machine — with a few exceptions you don’t need to worry about for now. It obviously does not work the other way around, say your program relies on Java 13 features that are simply not available under a Java 8 JVM.

Concurrency / Multithreading Programming

Java Concurrency is a term that covers multithreading, concurrency and parallelism on the Java platform. That includes the Java concurrency tools, problems and solutions. This Java concurrency tutorial covers the core concepts of multithreading, concurrency constructs, concurrency problems, costs, benefits related to multithreading in Java.


A cache is a memory buffer used to temporarily store frequently accessed data. It improves performance since data does not have to be retrieved again from the original source. Caching is actually a concept that has been applied in various areas of the computer/networking industry for quite some time, so there are different ways of implementing cache depending upon the use case.


JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is an abstract machine. It is a specification that provides runtime environment in which java bytecode can be executed. JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms (i.e. JVM is platform dependent).

Is a part of:



The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.